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Useful Information

Time Zone

The time zone is Greenwich Mean Time +9 hours.

Credit Cards

Major international credit cards are commonly accepted at most hotels, restaurants and stores. Restaurants and stores generally display signs indicating what cards they accept.


The basic currency of Korea is Won (KRW). Specifically, various notes and coins are used: Notes include 1,000 won, 5,000 won, 10,000 won, and 50,000 won denominations, while coins include 10 won, 50 won, 100 won, and 500 won denominations. Foreign bank notes and traveler’s checks can be converted into Korean won at foreign exchange banks and other authorized money exchange outlets. (1 USD = 1,110 KRW/ as of June 2018)


The standard voltage in Korea is 220 volts. The outlet has two round holes. Visitors from certain countries need an adaptor for electric appliances. The multi-voltage travel adapter are available at hotel's front desk. You can find it at a duty-free shop, convenience shop at airport.

Sim Card

Travelers can purchase SIM cards from the major retail stores or convenience stores. More often than not, this service is cheaper than roaming phones, therefore is the preferred communication service by a large number of business travelers.

Climate in October

The month of October in Korea is in the middle of autumn. During this time, the country experiences nice weather and blue skies with spectacular foliage. The average temperature range in October is between 10 degrees to 15 degrees Celsius.

Emergency & Useful numbers

- Police: 112
- Fire and Ambulance: 119

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